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UK Apparel Sector To Discuss How AI Is Disrupting Supply Chain

Apparel Sector

The Association of Suppliers to the British Clothing Industry (ASBCI) annual conference, which is taking place in Halifax, UK next month will provide insights on the benefits and risks of AI from early adopters across the apparel sector.

The ASBCl annual conference
The ASBCI annual conference will look at the risks, rewards and responsibilities of using AI within the apparel supply chain. Credit: ASBCI.

The ASBCI conference on 16 October will show how AI tools could disrupt the entire fashion value chain, drive innovation and create competitive advantages, as well as provide new risks and raise ethical questions around exactly how to exploit the technology.

“Understanding the risks and potential of AI is a key priority for the fashion industry and one that touches on so many of the challenges our members are facing,” said ASBCI chair Julie King.

She added: “But with so many tools under the AI umbrella, and such rapid and far-reaching change, it can be challenging to keep on top of developments and cut through the noise to understand what we should and shouldn’t be doing, when and how. This conference is an unmissable opportunity to explore the topic from all angles and perspectives at what is a pivotal moment for the industry.”

Who’s speaking at the ASBCI conference on AI in apparel?

Head of trends at retail trendspotting agency Insider Trends, Jack Stratten will deliver a keynote on innovation and AI in retail and will highlight the positives and negatives in the real world, in real time.

ASOS‘ head of digital creation Nick Eley will provide the retailer’s perspective on the rise and integration of AI into product design and presentation. He will explain how the use of 3D software, AI, and emerging technology is driving innovation and efficiency at the online fashion retail company, enhancing creativity, streamlining workflows and reducing time to market.

Cedric Hoffman, the co-founder of AI-powered supply chain platform Ameba will talk about how AI can improve real-time supply chain transparency. He’ll share how AI that can automatically extract and structure relevant product and supplier information from existing communication flows is helping businesses improve and is making space for innovation and growth.

While software provider Infor will examine how AI can revolutionise demand prediction and inventory optimisation to improve the customer experience.

Plus, the co-founders of The Fashion Guild, Peter Gallagher-Witham and Jon Smith, will share the benefits and threats of integrating AI into the design process and whether it could lead to a revolution or redundancy.

A personalisation expert will use AI to combat overproduction and Alvanon’s CEO Jason Wang will share his expertise on how emerging technology can help fashion brands and retailers cater to customers’ fit requirements in future.

There will also be discussions on the legalities surrounding AI, such as intellectual property and HR as well as how it can be used to benefit supply chains, sustainability and materiality with Fashion-Enter’s Jenny Holloway discussing how it can transform sustainable and ethical apparel production.

Earlier this week Just Style investigated whether AI should be used to help solve the global apparel industry’s declining skilled workforce.

Source from Just Style

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