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Nederlandse PFAS-opdatering: Meer as 100 stowwe wat by die lys van hoë kommer (ZZS) gevoeg is

Die Nederlandse Nasionale Instituut vir Openbare Gesondheid en die Omgewing (RIVM) het per- en polifluoroalkielstowwe (PFAS) ten volle by sy Stowwe of Very High Concern (ZZS)-lys gevoeg. Hierdie aksie beklemtoon die behoefte vir Nederlandse maatskappye om PFAS-gebruik en -vrystellings aansienlik te verminder.

The Deputy Minister of RIVM stated that companies unable to eliminate PFAS emissions entirely must submit a revised emissions reduction plan every five years.

This update moves previously identified PFAS from the potential ZZS (pZZS) list to the official ZZS list. Over 100 substances, including PFAS and their classifications, were officially added to the ZZS list on December 4.

The ZZS list, guided by Article 57 of the EU REACH regulations, other EU laws, and the OSPAR Convention, includes substances potentially harmful to human health and ecosystems. The RIVM maintains and updates this list biannually.

Of note, the Netherlands is among the first nations to propose a comprehensive PFAS ban, now under review by the European Chemicals Agency’s (ECHA) Scientific Committee.

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