What is This » Produkte verkryging » Hernubare energie » Spaanse staatsspoorwegmaatskappy om € 26.8 miljoen te belê in proef-PV-projek uit € 350 miljoen beplande belegging

Spaanse staatsspoorwegmaatskappy om € 26.8 miljoen te belê in proef-PV-projek uit € 350 miljoen beplande belegging

  • Renfe is to build a 20 MW solar power plant in Valladolid for an investment of €26.8 million  
  • Solar power generated for this pilot project will supply traction energy for its trains  
  • The plant is the 1st in the list of 34 PV projects with 400 MW combined capacity that Renfe plans to build in the country 

Renfe, the state-owned railway company in Spain, will construct a pilot solar PV plant with 20 MW capacity to supply traction energy for its trains. It will pave the way for €350 million the company plans to invest in 34 PV projects across the country.  

The 20 MW project will generate electricity for Renfe’s self-consumption, and any excess will be sold in the open market. Local EPC company Magtel has been confirmed as the contractor for the plant that will be located at Olmedo, Valladolid. It will be stationed close to the Adif electric power substation that feeds the northern high-speed corridor Madrid-Valladolis-northern Spain.  

Renfe sees the 20 MW project bringing it greater independence in electricity supply as it will also promote environmental sustainability of the trains operated by the company.  

It expects to incur €26.8 million investment on the pilot that’s scheduled to run for around 5 years, and will also involve a storage project.   

This investment is the 1st of 34 PV projects with 400 MW combined capacity that Renfe plans to commission for an estimated €350 million investment.  

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