መግቢያ ገፅ » ምርቶች ምንጭ » የሸማች ኤሌክትሮኒክስ » የሬድሚ ሚስጥራዊ ጨዋታ ታብሌት፡ በመሥራት ላይ ያለ የታመቀ ሃይል ሃውስ
የሬድሚ ሚስጥራዊ ጨዋታ ታብሌት።

የሬድሚ ሚስጥራዊ ጨዋታ ታብሌት፡ በመሥራት ላይ ያለ የታመቀ ሃይል ሃውስ

Redmi, Xiaomi’s popular sub-brand, is rumored to be working on a high-performance tablet ጋር flagship chipsetLCD ገጽ, እና large 7,500mAh battery. According to well-known tech leaker ዲጂታል የውይይት ጣቢያይህ ሚስጥራዊ መሳሪያ could shake up the gaming and performance tablet market በማቅረብ top-tier specs in a compact form factor.

ዲጂታል የውይይት ጣቢያ

Leaked Specs of the New Redmi Tablet

While Redmi has not officially confirmed any details, early reports suggest the tablet could feature:

  • አሳይ8.X-inch LCD screen ጋር ከፍተኛ የማደስ ፍጥነት ለ smooth gaming and video playback.
  • አንጎለ: Expected to house either the MediaTek ልኬት 9400 or Snapdragon 8 Gen3, both of which deliver flagship-level performance.
  • ባትሪ: ሀ 7,500mAh ባትሪ፣ የተነደፈ long hours of gaming and multitasking.

If these leaks are accurate, this new Redmi tablet could outperform the Redmi Pad Pro, giving users powerful performance in a smaller, more portable package.

How It Compares to the Redmi Pad Pro

የ Redmi Pad Pro, Redmi’s current ዋና ጡባዊ፣ ባህሪያት ሀ 12.1-inch 2.5K 120Hz LCD and runs on the Snapdragon 7s Gen 2. It comes in several RAM እና የማከማቻ አማራጮች, በ ላይ ይጀምራል 1,399 ዩዋን.

በተቃራኒው, new Redmi tablet is expected to pack a much stronger chipset ውስጥ smaller body, making it a great choice for users who prioritize performance over screen size. It may be the perfect blend of power and portability.

Xiaomi’s Strategy in the Tablet Market

Xiaomi is actively expanding its tablet lineup to cater to a broader audience. This new Redmi tablet could be part of a strategy to fill the gap መካከል premium tablets and mid-range devices. It is likely to appeal to gamers, power users, and performance enthusiasts ሀ compact yet powerful device.

በተጨማሪ ያንብቡ: Xiaomi Ends Software Support for Several Redmi and POCO Devices

Xiaomi’s Strategy in the Tablet Market

በ flagship chipset, smaller size, and strong battery life, this device could disrupt the budget flagship tablet market.

When Will We Know More?

While details are still scarce, more information is expected in the coming weeks as Xiaomi finalizes its 2025 tablet lineup. Stay tuned for updates on this promising new device!

የጊዝቺና የክህደት ቃል፡- ምርቶቻቸውን በምንናገርባቸው አንዳንድ ኩባንያዎች ካሳ ልንከፍል እንችላለን፣ ነገር ግን ጽሑፎቻችን እና አስተያየቶቻችን ሁልጊዜ የእኛ ታማኝ አስተያየቶች ናቸው። ለተጨማሪ ዝርዝሮች፣ የእኛን የአርትኦት መመሪያዎች መመልከት እና የተቆራኘ አገናኞችን እንዴት እንደምንጠቀም ማወቅ ይችላሉ።

ምንጭ ከ ጂዚኛ

የኃላፊነት ማስተባበያ፡- ከላይ የተገለጸው መረጃ በ gizchina.com ከ Alibaba.com ገለልተኛ ነው። Alibaba.com ስለ ሻጩ እና ምርቶች ጥራት እና አስተማማኝነት ምንም አይነት ውክልና እና ዋስትና አይሰጥም። አሊባባ.ኮም ከይዘት የቅጂ መብት ጋር በተያያዙ ጥሰቶች ማንኛውንም ተጠያቂነት ያስወግዳል።

አስተያየት ውጣ

የእርስዎ ኢሜይል አድራሻ ሊታተም አይችልም. የሚያስፈልጉ መስኮች ምልክት የተደረገባቸው ናቸው, *

ወደ ላይ ሸብልል