pv magazine

pv magazine is a leading photovoltaic trade magazine & website launched in the summer of 2008. With independent, technology-focused reporting, pv magazine focuses on the latest solar news, as well as technological trends and worldwide market developments.

Solar panel

Innovation Driving Change in Solar Tracker Market

Shipment volumes are growing in the global solar tracker market as innovation in project development drives demand. Joe Steveni, of S&P Global Commodity Insights, takes a look at the factors shaping the commercial landscape for trackers, from agrivoltaics and undulating terrain to Indian ambition and the United States’ Inflation Reduction Act.

Solar Tender

Quebec To Run 150 MW Solar Tender Before End of Year

The government of the Canadian province of Quebec is calling on utility Hydro-Quebec to run two solar tenders totaling 300 MW – one by the end of 2024 and another by the end of 2026. This marks the province’s first call for solar development on a commercial basis.

Circular Economy and Solar Photovoltaics

Circular Economy and Solar Photovoltaics: Is There a Case for Second-Life PV Modules?

What happens to a solar PV module after its expected 25-year operational life? With around 2 TW of rooftop and utility-scale PV already deployed worldwide, and a large number of them being retired before operating for 15 years, the amount of PV modules being discarded is growing every year. As PV modules are becoming cheaper by the day, and with the constant improvement in PV module efficiencies, many utility-scale PV power plants are starting to be repowered even before they reach their expected 25 years of operation. Many of these modules are still performing well. Can they be deployed for a second life to provide solar electricity for a few more years?

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