The recipient of the goods that are shipped or transported. The consignee takes ownership of the goods once they have cleared customs, and is generally the one responsible for import duties and taxes. The consignee may be the importer of record (or “Sold to”) of the goods, but that is not always the case. They may also be called the “Ship to,” receiver, client, or customer. The consignee could be the agent nominated by the buyer or the buyer’s bank. An important difference between the terms “Consignee” and “buyer” is that “Consignee” is the term used in the “contract of carriage,” while the term “buyer” is used in the “sales contract.”
About The Author

The Team is the leading platform for global wholesale trade serving millions of buyers and suppliers around the world. Through, small businesses can sell their products to companies in other countries. Sellers on are typically manufacturers and distributors based in China and other manufacturing countries such as India, Pakistan, the United States and Thailand.