MEB/J1/PPE/SSP 폭스바겐 그룹 플랫폼 가이드
MEB, J1, PPE, SSP 플랫폼은 거부할 수 없는 기능으로 EV 시장을 강타하고 있습니다. 이 플랫폼과 Volkswagen의 미래 EV 계획에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.
MEB, J1, PPE, SSP 플랫폼은 거부할 수 없는 기능으로 EV 시장을 강타하고 있습니다. 이 플랫폼과 Volkswagen의 미래 EV 계획에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.
Helpful tips and recommendations for replacing worn-out and bad spark plugs can significantly improve your engine’s operation and efficiency. Learn more!
Domestic sales by South Korea’s five main automakers combined fell by 6% to 107,017 units in September 2023 from 113,806 a year earlier.
Car enthusiasts should always have a set of tools to improve their vehicle and driving experience. Find 11 must-have tools for 2023.
VW Group sets out core strategic elements of its electric vehicle plans as well as vertical integration and sustainable mobility.
VW Group’s Strategy for a More Efficient and Sustainable Business 자세히보기»
The global light vehicle selling rate ended its 6-month rising streak by falling to 93 million units/year in September, according to GlobalData.
GlobalData’s European truck market forecasts reflect a gloomy outlook, with sales and production now forecast to decline in 2024.
ASEAN LV sales are now forecast to decline by 0.3% YoY to 3.33 million units this year with the lower sales performance in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.
Now bigger in China than even VW, going all-in on electrified vehicles is proving to have been a brilliant strategy for BYD. Read on for more.
The strategy employed for the 7 Series’ electric variant is now in play for BMW’s new G60 sedan: pricing for the i5 EV can stretch to more than £100,000.
High Five – Is the New BMW i5 Worth Almost Six Figures? 자세히보기»
Read on to learn about MQB and MLB, Volkswagen Group’s modular platforms, including everything from their features to their benefits.
MQB and MLB: The Top Volkswagen Group Modular Platforms 자세히보기»