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Author name: Global Data

Sebagai sebuah syarikat perkhidmatan maklumat terkemuka, beribu-ribu pelanggan bergantung pada GlobalData untuk kecerdasan yang dipercayai, tepat pada masanya dan boleh diambil tindakan. Penyelesaiannya direka untuk memberikan kelebihan harian kepada profesional dalam syarikat, institusi kewangan, perkhidmatan profesional dan agensi kerajaan.

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UK Furniture Resale Market Growth Will Surge by 40.8% Between 2022 and 2027, Forecasts GlobalData

Forecast indicates a 40.8% growth in the UK furniture resale market between 2022 and 2027, reaching £1,101 million, driven by increasing financial and environmental concerns among consumers, surpassing the overall furniture market growth rate of 7.9%. Younger demographics, particularly 24-34-year-olds, contribute significantly, constituting 10.7% of total purchased resale furniture. Explore the latest trends in the UK furniture resale market through GlobalData’s newest report.

UK Furniture Resale Market Growth Will Surge by 40.8% Between 2022 and 2027, Forecasts GlobalData Baca Lagi »

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