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large scale heterojunction manufacturing in us

Revkor & H2GEMINI Announce 20 GW HJT/Perovskite Solar PV Production In Utah

  • Revkor and H2GEMINI plan to set up 20 GW annual production capacity for high efficiency HJT/perovskite solar technologies in the US
  • Production will be ramped up in 2 phases, beginning with 5 GW annual capacity under phase I in Salt Lake City, Utah
  • It will eventually be scaled up to 20 GW capacity by the end of 2025 across multiple project sites

European PECVD supplier for heterojunction (HJT) technologies H2GEMINI and US based HJT solar cell, module and ingot wafer producer Revkor Energy Holdings have unveiled plans to establish 20 GW high efficiency HJT solar cells and modules production capacity in the US by 2025, and collaborate on the development of high efficiency HJT and perovskite solar cell architectures.

The duo is collaborating for the 5 GW annual production facility currently under construction in Salt Lake City, Utah, under phase I. Once commercial operations begin in late-Q2/2024, the 5 GW facility will become the 1st ever HJT/perovskite solar cell and manufacturing plant in the US.

It will be followed by expansion efforts to reach 20 GW capacity by 2025-end, spread across multiple project sites in Salt Lake City, Utah. These facilities will also include advanced research centers within the manufacturing complex.

H2GEMINI will supply and install all HJT/perovskite equipment for the new location. Revkor will secure remaining funding for the manufacturing and R&D complex. They expect their manufacturing plans to generate over 2,500 high-tech jobs locally.

The partners stated, “The primary objective of this partnership is to position the United States as the premier center for renewable energy, solar technology, driving advancements in perovskite, graphene, plastic recycling and new tire vulcanization methods with our advanced manufacturing technology and reclaiming our position at the forefront of renewables industry.”

H2GEMINI’s CTO and Founder Dr Dirk Habermann participated in TaiyangNews Virtual Conference on Solar Cell Production Equipment & Processing Materials earlier this year, where he listed some challenges that HJT cell production faces technologically.

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