Aktualizacja rynku frachtu morskiego
Chiny–Ameryka Północna
- Zmiany stawek: Stawki frachtowe na większości tras Transpacific Eastbound (TPEB) pozostają niskie.
- Zmiany rynkowe: The TPEB capacity is abundant for weeks after the Chinese New Year, while demand remains at a low level. It is expected that carriers will carry out routine blank sailings to stabilize the rates. Port and rail congestion on the west coast of Canada remain low.
- Zalecenie: Book freight shipping at least 2 weeks prior to the cargo ready date (CRD), and have backup plans ready for possible blank sailings.
- Zmiany stawek: Generally reduced for the second half of February.
- Zmiany rynkowe: Affected by low demand, rates will remain at a low level in the coming weeks, despite a gradually increasing booking volume.
- Zalecenie: Określ czas buforowy podczas planowania przesyłek.
Aktualizacja rynku frachtu lotniczego/ekspresowego
- Zmiany stawek:
Lowered base shipping rate: Electronics Parcels (Premium), Parcels (Premium), Electronics Parcels (Standard), Parcels (Standard), Electronics Parcels (Economy), Parcels (Economy)
Decreased base freight rate: Freight via JL (Economy)
Chiny–Azja Południowo-Wschodnia
- Zmiany rynkowe: Demand in export to Southeast Asian countries remains low. The transport capacity is abundant. The Thailand export market picked up slightly this week, but the overall demand remains weak.
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