Ocean Freight Market Update
Chiny-Ameryka Północna
Zmiany stawek: Ocean freight rates from China to the US West Coast increased modestly in the past week, rising by nearly 3%. Similarly, the rates to the US East Coast saw a smaller but notable increase of around 2%. These upward trends are driven by the early onset of peak season, with rates expected to climb further as congestion persists at major ports.
Zmiany rynkowe: The market remains volatile due to the ongoing geopolitical tensions, especially the Red Sea crisis. The capacity constraints and longer shipping routes around Africa are pushing rates up. Additionally, there is a looming threat of strikes at East Coast and Gulf ports, which could further disrupt supply chains and exacerbate rate increases. There is cautious optimism among carriers, but the overcapacity in smaller vessel segments continues to be a concern, impacting charter rates.
Zmiany stawek: Rates on the China to Northern Europe route saw a moderate increase of approximately 2%, while those to the Mediterranean rose by about 1%. Despite these increases, the overall demand from Europe remains subdued by high inflation and inventory levels. Carriers are planning additional General Rate Increases (GRIs) and blank sailings in the coming months to offset downward price pressure.
Zmiany rynkowe: The market is experiencing significant supply pressures due to the influx of ultra-large container vessels. This “gargantuan supply influx” is anticipated to temper any rate hikes despite the current increases. The weaker demand from European importers and the diversion to alternative modes including railways are contributing to a more stable but sluggish market.
Aktualizacja rynku frachtu lotniczego/ekspresowego
Chiny-USA i Europa
Zmiany stawek: Air freight rates from China to North America surged again by nearly 10% in the last week, reflecting strong demand and limited capacity. Conversely, rates to Northern Europe decreased by about 13%, driven by varying demand dynamics across regions. Overall, global air freight rates have seen a mixed trend, with an average decline towards the end of June.
Zmiany rynkowe: The air cargo market is also dealing with overcapacity, with some carriers grounding freighters in anticipation of a rebound later in the year. E-commerce remains a key driver, especially through hubs like Incheon Airport, which has seen significant growth in transhipment volumes. However, increased inspections by US Customs are creating bottlenecks, impacting the flow of goods. The market is expected to face further turbulence through the summer, with potential spikes in demand if ocean freight reliability continues to dip due to the ongoing Red Sea crisis.
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