Freight All Kinds (FAK) refers to a type of shipping classification where various types of goods, irrespective of their nature, are grouped and transported together under a uniform freight rate. This approach consolidates diverse classes of goods into a single shipment for shipping purposes and assigns a fixed rate for the transportation of all items within this consolidated cargo. By adopting this method, shippers can simplify their freight classification, which can potentially lead to cost savings with standardized, lower shipping costs.
Kuhusu Mwandishi
Timu ya ndio jukwaa linaloongoza kwa biashara ya jumla ya kimataifa inayohudumia mamilioni ya wanunuzi na wasambazaji kote ulimwenguni. Kupitia, wafanyabiashara wadogo wanaweza kuuza bidhaa zao kwa makampuni katika nchi nyingine. Wauzaji kwenye kwa kawaida ni watengenezaji na wasambazaji walioko Uchina na nchi zingine za utengenezaji kama vile India, Pakistan, Marekani na Thailand.