The chargeable weight, also known as volume weight, represents a quantity that is used for calculating the freight tariff. Its purpose is not only to take into account the importance of the actual weight of a shipment for its carriage but at the same time the space required for its transportation depending on its measurements. As a rule, choosing to transport a very large consignment of a lightweight will be more costly than shipping a more condensed parcel weighing the same amount.
Kuhusu Mwandishi
Timu ya ndio jukwaa linaloongoza kwa biashara ya jumla ya kimataifa inayohudumia mamilioni ya wanunuzi na wasambazaji kote ulimwenguni. Kupitia, wafanyabiashara wadogo wanaweza kuuza bidhaa zao kwa makampuni katika nchi nyingine. Wauzaji kwenye kwa kawaida ni watengenezaji na wasambazaji walioko Uchina na nchi zingine za utengenezaji kama vile India, Pakistan, Marekani na Thailand.