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Mwongozo wako wa Hati za Uzingatiaji wa Forodha wa EU

The European Union (EU) has an internal single market of 27 member countries, which means that an import into one country allows those goods to then circulate freely within other EU members without further customs checks or duties. To facilitate this, import documentation and clearance processes are standardized, and accepted by all member states. For export, all member countries have also signed up to a standard export documentation and clearance process.

This article explains the process and the key documents that you will need to expedite your shipment import or export.

Orodha ya Yaliyomo
Pointi ya muhtasari


Customs import declaration and SAD form

The single administrative document (SAD) is a standardized form that is applied across the European Union, and is used for electronic Customs pre-alert and declaration of any imported or exported goods. 

The SAD is used for trade between EU and non-EU countries and for the free movement of non-EU goods within the EU, and in certain limited cases for movement of EU goods inside the EU.

The SAD must be completed by those with direct responsibility to present the goods (the importer) together with all other required documents. The Customs declaration can be submitted by a licensed customs agent on behalf of the importer. In most cases this submission can be made electronically, although it is still occasionally used in paper versions.

The SAD form is harmonized internationally, and is used both for export and import declarations, as well as for transit through non-EU jurisdictions to a final destination, or point of exit, within the EU member countries.

The form has 54 fields for declaration, and uses standardized numeric codes to define the type of goods, quantity, destination country, and many more. One of the most important entries is the commodity code from the EU TARIC/customs tariff. 

The SAD consists of eight copies, each with a different function:

  1. Retained by the country where the export formalities are carried out
  2. Used for statistics by the exporting country
  3. Returned to the exporter
  4. Retained at the destination office of any transit operation, or serves as a T2L transit document (for example when transiting between two EU countries via a non-member country)
  5. Return copy for the transit
  6. Retained by the country where destination formalities are completed
  7. Used for statistics of the destination member country
  8. Returned to the mjumbe

As well as the SAD, other documents required for customs clearance are:

Kulingana na njia ya usafiri, hati za ziada zinaweza pia kuhitajika kwa kibali:

  • Muswada wa malipo, Air Waybill au sawa
  • ATA Carnet (Aina Zote za Usafiri)
  • TIR Carnet (Barabara ya Pamoja na Usafiri mwingine)

Shipment pre-alert documents

EU regulations require traders to supply customs authorities with an electronic Entry Summary Declaration (ESD) in advance of the shipment arrival, with details on the goods being imported or exported. 

This ESD allows Customs authorities to make an assessment of risk prior to the actual arrival of the goods at the port of entry, and assists authorities with their choice of subsequent checks and inspections.

EORI and VAT numbers

Nambari ya EORI ni nini?

Nambari ya EORI ni "Nambari ya Usajili na Utambulisho wa Waendeshaji Kiuchumi", ambayo ni nambari ya kitambulisho ya kawaida inayotumiwa kote Umoja wa Ulaya kwa waendeshaji wa kiuchumi na mamlaka ya forodha.

Nambari ya EORI ina sehemu mbili:

  • msimbo wa nchi wa Nchi Mwanachama iliyotolewa
  • hii inafuatiwa na kanuni ambayo ni ya kipekee katika Jimbo la Mwanachama

Biashara na watu binafsi wanaotaka kufanya biashara na kote katika Umoja wa Ulaya lazima watumie nambari ya EORI kama nambari ya utambulisho kwa taratibu zote za forodha, wanapobadilishana taarifa na wasimamizi wa forodha.

Any economic operator that is established within the customs territory of the EU must have an EORI number for customs purposes. Any economic operators that are not established within the Customs territory of the EU must also have an EORI, for a number of different situations:

  • kuwasilisha tamko la forodha katika eneo la forodha la EU
  • kuwasilisha Tamko la Muhtasari wa Entry (ENS)
  • kuwasilisha Tamko la Muhtasari wa Kuondoka (EXS)
  • kuwasilisha tamko la hifadhi ya muda katika eneo la Forodha la EU
  • kufanya kama mbebaji wa usafiri kwa njia ya anga, baharini au majini
  • kufanya kama mtoa huduma ambaye ameunganishwa kwenye mfumo wa forodha, na anataka kupokea arifa za forodha kuhusu kuwasilisha au kurekebisha matamko yoyote ya muhtasari wa ingizo.

Umuhimu wa Nambari ya VAT

Uagizaji wa bidhaa kwa EU, na mtu au biashara yoyote, unategemea Kodi ya Ongezeko la Thamani (VAT). VAT ya EU inatumika kwa nchi zote 27 wanachama na inatumika pia kwa usafirishaji wa bidhaa kuvuka mipaka ya ndani ya EU. Kwa hivyo kwa makampuni yanayofanya kazi katika Umoja wa Ulaya, kunaweza kuwa na sharti la kusajili biashara zao kwa nambari ya VAT katika zaidi ya nchi moja ya Umoja wa Ulaya.


Customs export declaration and SAD form

Goods being exported from the EU must do so in accordance with EU export formalities, which may in a few cases require export levies or duties. In principle, all goods being exported out of the EU, regardless of destination, must be subject to customs control before the loading of vessels. Export procedures require the exit of EU Community goods from free circulation, so that their status is revised to non-Community goods.

Exported goods must be covered by a declaration, using the single administrative document (SAD), submitted electronically. Customs undertake a risk assessment, and determine the proper routing of the exported goods, as to whether additional checks or verifications are required.

The exporter is considered to be the owner of the goods, and the person on whose behalf the export declaration is being made. Therefore, it is the exporter that is responsible for compliance with all export documentation formalities.

Shipment pre-departure documents

EU union regulations require that goods to be exported from the EU Customs territory shall be covered by a pre-departure declaration. The same form as used for import, the single administrative document (SAD), will be used to submit the pre-declaration electronically.

The export declaration should be submitted to the Customs authority within a specific time-limit before the goods are taken out of the EU. The pre-departure declaration should take the form of one of the following:

• a customs declaration

• a re-export declaration

• an exit summary declaration

The pre-departure declaration should include the details required for risk analysis for security and safety purposes.

Pointi ya muhtasari 

When shipping into or out of the European Union, it is important to know the Customs forms required and electronic systems used. Some registration will need to be completed in advance, for example to set up EORI and VAT number(s). The EU electronic processes and systems have all been set up to expedite the shipping processes for importers and exporters.

The import and export clearance procedures broadly mirror each other, with goods being presented to customs covered by a customs declaration using the SAD and supporting documents. One key difference is that on import goods are cleared for free circulation within the EU, and for export the goods are redefined as non-Community goods, i.e. they can no longer circulate duty free across the EU member states.

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