หน้าแรก » การจัดหาผลิตภัณฑ์ » พลังงานทดแทน » Bundesnetzagentur คัดเลือกผู้ชนะการประมูลโครงการโซลาร์บนหลังคา 79 โครงการใน 15 รัฐของรัฐบาลกลางด้วยกำลังการผลิต 193 เมกะวัตต์

Bundesnetzagentur คัดเลือกผู้ชนะการประมูลโครงการโซลาร์บนหลังคา 79 โครงการใน 15 รัฐของรัฐบาลกลางด้วยกำลังการผลิต 193 เมกะวัตต์

  • Germany has reported an oversubscribed solar auction for its June 1, 2023 rooftop and noise barriers category
  • Of 155 bids received for 342 MW against 191 MW tendered, it selected 79 bids for 193 MW
  • While bids were submitted from all federal states, projects were selected under this round in 15 of these
Bundesnetzagentur’s latest rooftop solar auction round results show the winning prices have come down since March 2023. (Photo Credit: TaiyangNews)

The German network regulator Bundesnetzagentur has selected a total of 193 MW rooftop solar PV capacity for its latest auction round held on June 1, 2023, for solar systems on buildings and noise barriers, that was oversubscribed after reporting undersubscription for this segment over the last 3 rounds.

It received 155 bids for a total volume of 342 MW as against 191 MW tendered. The agency finally selected 79 bids representing 193 MW capacity.

Winning lowest and highest bids were determined as €0.0880/kWh and €0.1080/kWh, respectively, lower than the ceiling of €0.1125/kWh. Average weighted winning bid was €0.1018/kWh, having come down from the previous round when it was announced as €0.1087/kWh.

“The development of the tenders for solar systems on roofs is pleasing, especially the regional distribution: bids were submitted for projects in every federal state – projects were awarded in 15 federal states,” said President Klaus Müller.

Most of the winning projects are located in the North Rhine-Westphalia region with 48 MW, followed 20 MW in Lower Saxony, 27 MW in Baden-Württemberg and 22 MW in Bavaria. The agency said only Saarland had no winning projects in this round.

Next round for this segment is scheduled for October 1, 2023.

Recently, the agency said Germany installed nearly 5 GW solar PV capacity during 5M/2023 with more than 1 GW installed in March, April and May each.

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