Ikhaya » Ukufumana iimveliso » Umoya ovuselelekayo » IFransi ihambisa i-1.35 GW yeSola eNtsha kwi-Q3

IFransi ihambisa i-1.35 GW yeSola eNtsha kwi-Q3

IFransi ifake malunga ne-3.32 GW yeenkqubo ezintsha zePV kwiinyanga ezilithoba zokuqala ze-2024.


Image: Enedis

Ivela kwimagazini ye-pv yaseFransi

France deployed around 1,351 MW of new solar capacity in the third quarter of 2024, according to new figures from French grid operator Enedis.

The country installed 3,328 MW of new solar capacity in the first nine months of 2023, up from 3,135 MW during the same period last year.

Growth was particularly strong in the commercial rooftop segment, with small businesses boosting installations from 318 MW at the end of the first quarter to 547 MW by the third quarter – a 72% increase.

Enedis said it has now connected more than 1 million renewable energy installations to the electricity grid, most of which are PV systems. It connected 56,504 installations in the first quarter, 63,757 in the second, and 64,448 in the third.

“This spectacular increase is explained in particular by the growing enthusiasm for self-consumption, mainly among individuals and small professionals,” said Enedis. “It has more than tripled in two years to exceed 610,000 self-consumers, attracted by local electricity production.”

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