Ikhaya » IiNkqubo zoMbane ezizenzekelayo

IiNkqubo zoMbane ezizenzekelayo


U-Toshiba wazisa i-Automotive Photocoupler ene-Output ukumelana ne-Voltage ye-900V (Min)

I-Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH yazisa i-photorelay entsha ehambelana nemoto eyenzelwe i-400V yeenkqubo zokulawula ibhetri. I-TLX9152M ibonakalisa ubuncinci bemveliso yokumelana nombane (VOFF) we-900V ukuxhasa izicelo ezifana nebhetri kunye nolawulo lwe-fuel-cell, kunye neenkqubo zokulawula ibhetri (BMS) kwizithuthi zombane (EV) apho zinokuba khona.

U-Toshiba wazisa i-Automotive Photocoupler ene-Output ukumelana ne-Voltage ye-900V (Min) Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Owl Wing Fan

Mahle Introduces Bio-Inspired Fan for E-Vehicles; Owl Wings

At the IAA Transportation 2024 in Hanover, MAHLE is presenting a bio-inspired high-performance fan which makes commercial vehicles significantly quieter. The fan was developed for particularly demanding fuel cell and battery electric vehicles. When optimizing its ventilation blades with the use of AI, the MAHLE engineers took inspiration from the…

Mahle Introduces Bio-Inspired Fan for E-Vehicles; Owl Wings Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Polestar SUV Production

Polestar Begins Production of Polestar 3 in South Carolina

Polestar has begun production of its luxury SUV, Polestar 3, in South Carolina. This makes the Polestar 3 the first Polestar to be produced on two continents. The factory in South Carolina produces cars for customers in the US and Europe, complementing existing production in Chengdu, China. Manufacturing Polestar 3…

Polestar Begins Production of Polestar 3 in South Carolina Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Imoto emhlophe

Mercedes-Benz GLC Plug-in Hybrid SUV Offers Best-In-Segment All-Electric Range of 54 Miles

The new 2025 Mercedes-Benz GLC 350e 4MATIC SUV offers 54 miles of all-electric range, according to EPA certification. The vehicle is now available at US dealerships starting from $59,900. The hybrid system features a 134 hp electric motor and 24.8 kWh battery to deliver a combined system output of 313…

Mercedes-Benz GLC Plug-in Hybrid SUV Offers Best-In-Segment All-Electric Range of 54 Miles Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Umntu osebenza ngombane usebenza ngebhloko yombane emotweni

IiMveliso zeNkqubo yoMbane ye-Alibaba.com ezishushu ezithengiswayo ngoMeyi ka-2024: Ukusuka kwiiSensors zeCamshaft ukuya kwi-Throttle Position Sensors

Fumana iimveliso zenkqubo yombane we-auto ethengisa ngokushushu kwi-Alibaba.com ngoMeyi ka-2024. Ibonisa izinto eziphezulu ezifana ne-camshaft sensors, i-MAF sensors, kunye nokunye, okuyimfuneko kubathengisi be-intanethi.

IiMveliso zeNkqubo yoMbane ye-Alibaba.com ezishushu ezithengiswayo ngoMeyi ka-2024: Ukusuka kwiiSensors zeCamshaft ukuya kwi-Throttle Position Sensors Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Imodeli yemoto yombane ye-lithium ibhetri ipakethe ngaphakathi

Ukhuseleko lweGM lubonelela ngeTekhnoloji yeBattery ye-Ultium EV yoVavanyo lweZakhono kwiiNkqubo zaMandla eziQonxileyo.

I-GM yoKhuseleko, i-subsidiary ye-General Motors, ibonelela ngeteknoloji ye-battery-electric technology ekuxhaseni iYunivesithi yaseTexas e-Arlington (UTA) iPulsed Power and Energy Laboratory (PPEL) kunye ne-Naval Surface Warfare Centre Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD). Iprojekthi, uVavanyo lweeBatri zeSithuthi soMbane ukwenza amandla aKhokelweyo (EEVBEDE), ixhaswa ngemali…

Ukhuseleko lweGM lubonelela ngeTekhnoloji yeBattery ye-Ultium EV yoVavanyo lweZakhono kwiiNkqubo zaMandla eziQonxileyo. Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Iipylons ezininzi zombane ophezulu wokuthutha umbane ukusuka kwisicwangciso samandla

IQela leBMW liQalisa uKwakha uLwakhiwo lweSityalo seNdibano esitsha seBattery eziPhezulu zeVoltge e-Lower Bavaria.

Ngokufakelwa kwenkxaso yekhonkrithi yokuqala emalunga neshumi elinambini lemitha-ukuphakama, iQela leBMW liqalise ngokusesikweni ukwakhiwa kwendawo yemveliso yexesha elizayo yeebhetri eziphezulu zombane e-Lower Bavaria. Lilonke, malunga ne-1,000 yenkxaso iya kusekwa kumgangatho ongama-300 nge-500 yeemitha kwixesha elizayo…

IQela leBMW liQalisa uKwakha uLwakhiwo lweSityalo seNdibano esitsha seBattery eziPhezulu zeVoltge e-Lower Bavaria. Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Skrolela phezulu