I-AI-Powered Smart Cane ijolise ekubeni ngamehlo abo bangaboni kakuhle | CES 2025
Fumanisa i-AI-powered Smart Cane 2 yi-WeWALK, eyilelwe ukomeleza ukuhamba kwabo bangaboni kakuhle.
Fumanisa i-AI-powered Smart Cane 2 yi-WeWALK, eyilelwe ukomeleza ukuhamba kwabo bangaboni kakuhle.
Kwiminyaka yakutshanje, ukuba bekufuneka ubize eyona mveliso “ikruqulayo” kwii-elektroniki zabathengi, iiPC ngokuqinisekileyo ziya kuthatha isihloko. Njengodidi oluqolileyo ngakumbi kunee-smartphones, ngaphandle kwee-chips ezikhulayo ezinamandla, iiPC azikhange zibonelele ngokumangalisayo ngokwefomu kunye nomsebenzi. Nangona kunjalo, ngomhla wokuqala we-CES 2025, iiPC ze-AI zaba
Fumana i-Omi, isixhobo se-AI sokufunda ingqondo esiboniswe kwi-CES 2025. Ngaba likamva okanye i-hype nje?
Fumana iindlela zamva nje kwiikiti zekhaya ezihlakaniphile kunye neenkqubo, jonga ukukhula kwemarike, kwaye ufunde indlela yokukhetha ezona mveliso zibalaseleyo kwiimfuno zakho.
Explore how smart electronics are revolutionizing homes and lifestyles, with insights into market trends, key features, and future growth.
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Hlala usexesheni ngezixhobo zetekhnoloji zamva nje ezidityaniswa ngaphandle komthungo kubancedisi basekhaya kwinotshi ephezulu ye-automation yasekhaya ngo-2024.
Phonononga amandla enguquko yobuchwepheshe basekhaya bobuchule. Eli nqaku libonelela ngohlalutyo oluneenkcukacha lweentsingiselo zemarike, ukhetho lwemveliso, kunye nezixhobo ezihlakaniphile zasekhaya ezikhoyo.
Sihlalutye amawaka ophononongo lwemveliso, nantsi into esiyifundileyo malunga neeplagi zamandla ezithengiswa kakhulu e-US.
Fumana isikhokelo esibalulekileyo sokukhetha izixhobo ezihlakaniphile zasekhaya ngo-2024. Phonononga iintlobo, iintsingiselo zemarike, iimodeli eziphezulu, kunye neengcebiso zokukhetha iingcali kolu hlalutyo lunengqiqo.
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Phonononga iintsingiselo zesiseko ezivela kwi-CES 2024, kubandakanya ukuqhubela phambili kwe-AI, ukubonisa iinguqulelo ezintsha, kunye nobuchwepheshe obuzinzileyo, ukubumba ikamva loshishino lwe-elektroniki lwabathengi.
Learn the essential aspects of offering cost-effective home automation products that cater to diverse needs and preferences.
Discover the must-know home automation solutions with the potential to positively impact the lives of seniors and people with disabilities.
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Customers want compact portable projectors that produce high-quality videos. Learn all you need to know to offer the best products.
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