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Author name: Global Data

Njengenkampani ehamba phambili yezinsizakalo zolwazi, izinkulungwane zamakhasimende zithembele ku-GlobalData ukuze uthole ubuhlakani obuthembekile, obufika ngesikhathi, nobusebenzayo. Izixazululo zayo zenzelwe ukuhlinzeka ngomphetho wansuku zonke kochwepheshe ngaphakathi kwezinkampani, izikhungo zezezimali, izinsizakalo zobungcweti, nama-ejensi kahulumeni.

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UK Furniture Resale Market Growth Will Surge by 40.8% Between 2022 and 2027, Forecasts GlobalData

Forecast indicates a 40.8% growth in the UK furniture resale market between 2022 and 2027, reaching £1,101 million, driven by increasing financial and environmental concerns among consumers, surpassing the overall furniture market growth rate of 7.9%. Younger demographics, particularly 24-34-year-olds, contribute significantly, constituting 10.7% of total purchased resale furniture. Explore the latest trends in the UK furniture resale market through GlobalData’s newest report.

UK Furniture Resale Market Growth Will Surge by 40.8% Between 2022 and 2027, Forecasts GlobalData Funda kabanzi "

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