Top 7 Beauty Tech Trends to Watch in 2023
Shoppers seek convenient beauty devices that can be used at home. Explore the most recent developments in the beauty market.
Ukuthola imininingwane namathrendi emakethe embonini yobuhle nokunakekelwa komuntu siqu.
Shoppers seek convenient beauty devices that can be used at home. Explore the most recent developments in the beauty market.
Get the list of men’s trendy grooming products in 2022 to explore the male grooming products market and find out hidden opportunities!
Men’s Grooming Products: The Complete Trendy List in 2022 Funda kabanzi "
These are what nail supply businesses should stock up for customers who recreate this year’s optimistic nail color and texture trends.
Optimism: A Focus for Nail Colors and Textures Funda kabanzi "
4 main trends of makeup are ongoing in the beauty market. Beautiful Y2K women are pursuing clean skin with bright and glossy colors.
Amathrendi E-Makeup Aqhubekayo Okufanele Uzazi Funda kabanzi "
Beauty value sets are perfect for home use and traveling. Here are five must-have sets that continue to be on-trend.
5 Amasethi Enani Lobuhle Okufanele Uhambe Ngawo Funda kabanzi "
Learn more about how global beauty trends have shifted toward natural and sustainable beauty. Know what products consumers are looking for.
Izithako Zemvelo & Eco-friendly Ziyithrendi Entsha Yobuhle Funda kabanzi "
Find out what is behind the growth in at-home hair care and styling and discover which trends and products are the most popular in 2022.
Ukunakekelwa Kwezinwele Zasekhaya kanye Nesitayela Kuyinjwayelo Ekhulayo ngo-2022 Funda kabanzi "