Ikhaya » Ukuthola Imikhiqizo » Izingxenye Zemoto Nezesekeli » I-Hyundai kanye ne-GM Sign Memorandamu Yokuqonda Ukuhlola Ukubambisana Ezimotweni, Uchungechunge Lokuhlinzeka Ngempahla kanye Nobuchwepheshe Bamandla Ahlanzekile

I-Hyundai kanye ne-GM Sign Memorandamu Yokuqonda Ukuhlola Ukubambisana Ezimotweni, Uchungechunge Lokuhlinzeka Ngempahla kanye Nobuchwepheshe Bamandla Ahlanzekile

General Motors and Hyundai Motor signed an agreement to explore future collaboration across key strategic areas. GM and Hyundai will look for ways to leverage their complementary scale and strengths to reduce costs and bring a wider range of vehicles and technologies to customers faster.

Potential collaboration projects center on co-development and production of passenger and commercial vehicles, internal combustion engines and clean-energy, electric and hydrogen technologies.

The two leading global OEMs also will review opportunities for combined sourcing in areas such as battery raw materials, steel and other areas.

The framework agreement was signed by Hyundai Motor Group Executive Chair Euisun Chung and GM Chair and CEO Mary Barra.

Barra said a partnership between the two companies has the potential to make vehicle development more efficient by driving greater scale and supporting disciplined capital allocation.

Following the signing of the non-binding Memorandum of Understanding, assessment of opportunities and progression towards binding agreements will begin immediately.

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