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5 Men’s Linen Pant Styles to Add to 2024’s Summer Collections

Man walking confidently in white linen pants

Summer is when men throw their stuffy pants into the dark depths of their cupboards. But just because the weather is hotter doesn’t mean consumers should wear only shorts and ignore the magic of slacks. Men can wear long bottoms all day without feeling comfortable, thanks to linen pants.

Line pants are undoubtedly the VIP of summer bottoms, but many styles may catch the shopper’s eyes more than the classic model. Keep reading to discover five men’s linen pant styles that can add a breath of fresh air to summer collections.

Table of Contents
How profitable is the men’s trouser market?
Men’s linen pants: 5 styles for an explosive summer inventory
4 areas men’s linen pants have seen impressive updates and trends
Final words

How profitable is the men’s trouser market?

Experts say the men’s trouser market will reach US $201.9 billion by 2028 at a 5.0% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). The market will get the predicted value due to the rising acceptance of corporate culture and the increasing fashion consciousness among men. Reports also forecast that Asia-Pacific will witness the highest CAGR over the forecast period (5.9%), with China and India emerging as major contributors.

Men’s linen pants: 5 styles for an explosive summer inventory

1. Linen cargo pants

A pair of comfy linen cargo pants

Ever since cargo pants extended past the military scene into mainstream fashion, everyone loved the utilitarian vibe. Beyond that, cargo pants are highly adaptable, making them substantial fashion statements. So, what if customers want those iconic pockets on breathable bottoms? Retailers can offer them linen cargo pants.

Linen cargo pants maintain the popular piece’s fashionable aspects while offering breathability and lightness for extra comfort in hot weather. And these pants don’t sacrifice functionality for their laid-back appeal—the edged-up, utilitarian touch is still in play. Linen cargo pants are also versatile and can handle different outfits.

Man pocketing his hands in linen cargo pants

Men can easily switch up their style with these pants. They can go from streetwear to semi-formal attire with a simple change of shirts and shoes. Male consumers can also go the modern, carefree route by teaming their linen cargo pants with graphic tops.

2. Linen chinos pants

Man pocketing both hands in linen chinos pants

Chinos weren’t always the popular bottoms many men love today. They started as military trousers in the 19th century before entering mainstream fashion and becoming popular pants for men. Although most chinos feature lightweight cotton-based materials, some iterations offer a summer twist with linen.

However, manufacturers don’t only use linen for these pants. Instead, they use linen and cotton blends to give these pants their signature breathability and airy feel. The cotton in this fabric blend makes these chinos more comfortable and reduces the notorious heavy wrinkling.

Man posing in classy linen chinos

Linen chinos are also hybrid wardrobe essentials. While many don’t consider them formal, their versatility makes them look great on semi-formal occasions. Think of linen chinos pants as the perfect blend of the relaxed vibe of denim and the sharpness of dress pants.

3. Pleated linen pants

Man in a nice pair of pleated linen pants

Who said linen pants couldn’ have visual interest? Pleated linen pants have vertical folds that make them look unique and add texture and volume to the silhouette. They usually feel more formal than linen pants without pleats, so men can rock them for special occasions like weddings or other events.

Additionally, designers stitch pleats in place, meaning these pants will stay crisp and crease-free for longer. For this reason, they can use pleated linen pants for semi-formal events and meetings. Plus, pleats on linen pants give them a more classic look, so they will look great in traditional or vintage outfits.

Man holding a blazer while wearing pleated linen pants

Like regular pleated pants, linen variants look great with various wardrobe essentials. Men can wear them with tees, button-downs, and even sweaters. Tailored blazers, denim jackets, or bomber jackets also pair nicely with pleated linen pants.

4. Linen joggers

Man wearing a pair of comfy linen joggers

Joggers already have lightweight and breathable designs, but some men may still find them uncomfortable and restrictive. That’s where linen joggers come in. These pants are even more breathable, with the added benefit of an impressive laidback appearance.

Keep in mind that linen joggers look nothing like their sporty counterparts. Instead, they are better suited for lounging or everyday wear. So, when men are looking for comfy pants to relax in while watching the game, linen joggers are one of the best options for maximum comfort.

Man in black sandals and linen joggers

The best part is that linen joggers easily transition from lounging on a couch to hitting the road on errands or staying comfortable during long flights. Men can style them with casual t-shirts (for an effortless weekend look) or denim jackets for a more structured, relaxed look. Even polo shirts look amazing with linen joggers if consumers style them right.

5. Drawstring linen pants

Man posing in a black drawstring linen pant

Imagine combining linen pants’ natural lightness and breathability with their flexibility. That’s what drawstring linen pants are all about. These pants feature drawstring waists that eliminate tightness, allowing men to enjoy more relaxed fits without pesky buttons or zippers.

Man wearing super-relaxed blue drawstring pants

Drawstring linen pants have a built-in casual, beachy vibe, meaning they look fantastic for low-key days or vacations. That way, men can feel stylish without being too formal. But despite their relaxed look, men can dress drawstring linen pants up or down. Consumers can pair them with simple T-shirts for the ultimate casual look or button-up shirts for a slightly more put-together style.

4 areas men’s linen pants have seen impressive updates and trends


Man wearing green linen pants

Linen pants once featured only neutral tones like white, beige, and navy (and sometimes darker colors). But now, retailers can offer multiple color options. They can stock linen pants in earthy tones, like olive green, shades of brown, and terracotta—these colors are warm and sophisticated alternatives to classic neutrals.

Pastels, like soft pinks, blues, and yellows, are also gaining popularity for their playful yet refined twist on summer wardrobes. Linen pants can now also host pops of vibrant color in details like piping, stripes, or drawstrings.


Man posing in linen pants with a wide-leg silhouette

Forget the regular pant silhouettes. Wide-leg and loose-fitting pants that promote airflow and effortless style are in demand. Additionally, linen chinos and pleated linen pants are trending for those who want a more polished look while maintaining the comfort of linen.


Brown linen pants with multiple pockets

Linen pants blend with seersucker, subtle slub weaves, or other micro-textures to transform them from basic to visually attractive bottoms—all without sacrificing the breezy, lightweight feel. While stripes and bolder patterns had their moment, understated prints like micro-ginghams, minimalist florals, or delicate geometric patterns are gaining attention for their touch of personality.


Man posing sideways in sustainable linen pants

Customers are becoming more conscious of sustainable choices. That’s why many consumers promote organic linen; retailers can use it as a great selling point. However, before adding linen pants to inventories, retailers must check if manufacturers use ethical sources and production processes for their garments.

Final words

Linen pants have been popular for many years as summer essentials. But they are gaining popularity again in 2024 as men prepare their wardrobes for summer. Retailers can stock up on the linen pant styles discussed in this article to prepare their inventories for the summer rush. After all, Google ad shows searches are already up by 40%, from 201,000 in March to 301,000 in April 2024—and demand will only increase in the heat of summer.

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