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How to Select the Best Custom-made Lipstick Tubes for 2025

standing custom made lipstick tubes

The beauty industry is all about quality and appearances, not only of the product itself but also of its packaging. In a market where competition is as high as customers’ expectations, selecting the proper packaging for lipstick and lip balm is one of the keys to success.

The packaging serves as the first point of contact with potential customers, influencing purchasing decisions and shaping brand perception online and offline.

In this article, you can find some valuable tips for selecting the right custom-made lipstick tubes and ensuring they reflect both your brand’s values and your target audience’s tastes.

Table of Contents
The history of lipstick packaging
Tips for choosing custom-made lipstick tubes

The history of lipstick packaging

old-school lipstick tubes holder

There was a time when lipstick came as a pigmented cream and was applied onto the lips using a spatula or small paper sticks. Then, during the First World War, women became actively involved in public life, spending more time outside the home. New formats of cosmetics were required, smaller in size, which would be convenient to carry in a purse.

Lipstick in the iconic twisting tube appeared in the 20th century, and this new, convenient packaging instantly won the hearts of consumers worldwide, pushing manufacturers to create new, eye-catching designs for their products.

In 1915, Maurice Levy registered a patent for a metal tube container for lipstick and called it the “Levy cylinder.” The French company Guerlain is considered to be the first to pack lipstick in a metal tube. However, such lipsticks were expensive, and only wealthy clients could afford them. Plastic tubes appeared many years later, after the Second World War, when the standardization of manufacturing processes made it possible to simplify the production of lipstick tubes made of cardboard or plastic, which are more affordable.

Tips for choosing custom-made lipstick tubes

It’s clear that from the very beginning, the manufacturing companies of the beauty industry have been doing their best to adapt their products and packaging to the ever-changing society, trends and the needs and tastes of their consumers. And rightfully so.

In a 2018 survey, most Americans agreed that the design of a product’s packaging (72%) and the materials used to package it (67%) influence their purchase decisions when selecting which products to buy.

Choosing the right lipstick tube, color, material, and design is even more critical now that the competition is higher than ever, especially for new beauty brands that want to stand out and appeal to their potential customers. Here are some tips that business owners should consider when going into lipstick tube customization.

Mind the material: Metal tube vs. plastic tube

lipsticks with metal tube and plastic tube

The material is vital when choosing a custom-made lipstick tube because it directly impacts a product’s so-called “touch and feel” and the perception of its quality, convenience, and other characteristics.

Plastic stands out for its resistance and affordability. It’s also a light material that is easy to create in various colors without impacting the price of the final packaging. Polymer packaging for cosmetics does not break, significantly simplifying the transportation and storage process. In some cases, a plastic tube can be perceived as cheap, and thus, it’s a good choice for brands that target a younger audience and low-cost buyers.

Metal lipstick tubes have a higher price point and can be used to target consumers who are looking for pricier products. They are still resistant and convenient to carry around and transport and offer a wide range of customization options, including color, design, and different finishes.

Over the last few years, some eco-friendly brands have also been using cardboard for their lipstick tubes, a lightweight material that is fully recyclable and doesn’t impact the environment.

Choosing the right color

custom-made lipstick tubes in different colors

Packaging can influence the perception of a brand and push towards the purchase. Color influences our perception of a product and the entire brand and is usually the first feature that catches the eye. Each color gives the human mind a different visual stimulus, thus determining different reactions and moods in the observer depending on their cultural background.

White, for example, is notoriously the color of purity chosen for packaging, which will evoke cleanliness, simplicity, and efficiency. On the other hand, black is the color of power, mystery, and elegance. Typically, this color is used in packaging for high-quality, high-cost products. Combined with silver or gold, it will give the package that extra pinch of preciousness and a retro flair.

Pink stands for youth and fun and is the go-to color for young consumers, while red, the color of passion par excellence, expresses strength, energy, sensuality, and romance. The use of green in packaging has the specific function of communicating sustainability and attention to the environment.

Every brand owner should choose the color or colors that better align with their brand’s values and with their target audience’s needs.

The finish is important

custom-made lipstick tubes with different finishes

However, color and prints are only some of the things to consider. The finish of a metal or plastic tube can say as much about a brand as its color palette and logo.

A matte finish gives the lipstick a soft and velvety texture that’s pleasant to the touch and instantly makes the product feel more high-end and sophisticated. This finish is usually paired with black, white, or pink and simpler designs to achieve a “quiet luxury” aesthetic.

A gloss finish on a plastic tube is an excellent way to appeal to a younger audience because it offers a vibrant, daring look with high-contrast colors and prints. On the other hand, glossy metal is a good choice for innovative, futuristic designs, with straight lines and contrasting gold/silver and black options.

Quality matters

young woman holding a lip balm in her hands

Companies in the beauty industry should commit to high-quality standards not only for their products but also in terms of packaging.

When choosing a metal or plastic tube to sell their lipsticks, business owners must focus on quality and durability to keep customers happy and avoid receiving bad reviews online, as is happening for some brands created recently by influencers and stars.

According to Nosto, 74% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a company that hosts positive reviews on the website and other online platforms.


In a world where every detail counts, the right lipstick tube becomes not just a vessel for cosmetic products but a tangible embodiment of style, quality, and brand identity.

Business owners can find a selection of customizable plastic and metal lipstick tubes on Alibaba.com and place a trial order to make sure the products meet their expectations in terms of quality and style.

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