Home » Sales & Marketing » How To Ask for a Review: Complete Guide +15 Best Examples

How To Ask for a Review: Complete Guide +15 Best Examples

Customer review online rating product or service satisfaction experience from client

Are you struggling to turn store visitors into customers? Are you aware of the power of customer reviews but are unsure how to ask for them?

Compelling review request strategies aren’t just about gathering feedback. They’re about establishing trust and fostering loyalty with your customers. Without effective methods, you risk missing out on the power of your own customers in generating new sales.

In this guide, we’ll explore clever ways to ask for reviews, ensuring your requests lead to meaningful, business-boosting responses.

Why ask for reviews?

Asking for reviews is a strategic move with multiple benefits. Let’s delve into why collecting customer feedback is crucial:

  • 44% of online shoppers use the internet for research when planning a major purchase and 42% consider reading online reviews very helpful.
  • Using positive reviews as a marketing strategy builds trust with potential customers, making them more likely to choose your business over competitors. That’s why knowing the best tactics for how to ask for a review is so beneficial.
  • Reviews play a pivotal role in local SEO rankings, increasing your business’s visibility in search engine results.
  • 53% of online shoppers in the USA consider customer reviews one of the most important factors when making purchase decisions.
  • Businesses that actively collect and display customer testimonials witness an increase in conversion rates and sales.

Customer review statistics from Statista

Customer reviews serve as social proof, reassuring potential customers about the quality and reliability of your products or services. That’s why knowing how to ask customers for reviews is so important.

How to ask for reviews

Asking for reviews is an art that requires finesse and strategic planning. By employing various methods tailored to your audience’s preferences, you can effectively collect valuable feedback and reap the benefits of it. 

Here’s a list of techniques on how to ask for a review from customers:

  1. Email requests

    Craft personalized emails expressing gratitude and requesting feedback. Include direct links to review platforms such as Google My Business, Yelp, or Trustpilot to streamline the process.

  2. SMS/Text messages

    Send brief texts shortly after their purchase or service experience. Keep the message concise, providing a direct link to leave a review for easy navigation.

  3. Through your website

    Use popups or banners on your site to prompt visitors to leave a review, without being too intrusive.

  4. Social media

    Take advantage of the reach of social media platforms to ask customers to share their experiences. Post engaging content highlighting positive reviews or testimonials, encouraging followers to leave their own feedback.

  5. In-person requests

    Capitalize on positive interactions with customers by directly asking for feedback. Train your staff to confidently request reviews at the end of a service or during a successful transaction.

  6. Printed materials

    Include review requests on printed materials such as receipts, business cards, or packaging. Use QR codes linked to review platforms for easy access.

  7. Phone calls

    Follow up with customers via phone calls to express gratitude for their business and kindly request feedback. Personalize the conversation and offer assistance in leaving a review if needed.

By diversifying your approach, you can increase your chances of receiving valuable reviews from satisfied customers. Remember to always prioritize authenticity and sincerity in your requests, and look for clever ways to ask for reviews.

How to politely ask for a review

It’s never only about the ask itself — it’s about how you communicate that simple ‘leave us a review’ message. Here’s a guide on how to politely request reviews from your customers:

Timing is key: Request reviews at a moment when customers are most likely to have positive sentiments, such as after a successful transaction or a satisfying experience. This gives you the best chance to receive genuine positive feedback.

Personalize the request: Tailor your communication to the individual, showing appreciation for their business or interaction. Use their name and reference their recent purchase or interaction to make the request feel more personal and genuine.

Make it easy: Provide direct links or even leave a review template for them to use. Make the process as effortless as possible for your customers, reducing friction and increasing a chance of that 5-star review we all want.

Be clear and concise: Keep your request short and to the point, explaining why their feedback is valuable. Avoid overwhelming them with unnecessary information and focus on the benefits of their review, especially for other potential customers.

Express gratitude: Expressing gratitude reinforces the positive relationship between you and your customers and increases the likelihood of them agreeing to leave a review, so thank them in advance. 

Respond to reviews: Engage with the reviews you receive, showing that you value customer feedback. Respond promptly and professionally to both positive and negative reviews, showing your commitment to customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.

How to ask for reviews via email

Email is a tried and trusted way to request reviews. But keep in mind that the right approach can make all the difference. So consider these key elements for crafting request emails.

  • Get their attention: An email’s subject line can either make it or break it, so be creative with it. If your brand’s tone of voice is more bold, try out something adventurous, like “So… what do you think?” Otherwise, you can never go wrong with keeping it personalized and sincere, like “[Customer’s name], we’re here to listen.” 
  • Shine your personality: You know very well what happens to generic emails with zero personality. A warm, conversational tone goes a long way in making your customers feel at ease. Feel free to sprinkle in some friendly banter or use a smart email sign-off to wrap things up.
  • Call to action: Your customers are doing you a big favor by leaving a review, so don’t make them work harder than necessary. Include a clear and prominent CTA button or link directing recipients to your review platform. 
  • Follow up: Sometimes life gets in the way and you don’t hear back from your customer. A gentle follow-up email might be just the nudge they need to share their feedback.

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7 tips on how to create a captivating product review email
Post-purchase emails: 6 examples & tips

How to ask for reviews via email examples

1. Post purchase email

Asking for reviews in a post purchase email from Target

After your customer receives their order, send them a post-purchase email. The emotion of a new purchase is still fresh, making them more likely to leave a review.

2. Showing appreciation

Asking for reviews in an appreciation email from MacPaw

Showing sincere appreciation taps into your customers’ emotions, prompting them to respond.

3. Interactive email

Asking for reviews in an interactive email from Grammarly

Including an interactive feature in your email facilitates smooth and quick engagement.

How to ask for reviews via SMS

An SMS campaign is quick and very likely will be read by your customer the moment you sent it, making it personal and effective.

If you’re wondering how to ask for a review via text message, here are some tips:

  • Keep it brief: Text messages are a very personal channel, and even though most people don’t mind hearing from brands there, it’s a good practice to keep your SMS brief and to the point.
  • Safe looking links: People are wary of suspicious looking links they receive via SMS, so make sure that yours is looking professional and trustworthy to avoid being mistaken for phishing attempts.
  • Time it wisely: Send your SMS during times when customers are likely to respond without feeling intruded upon. Business hours typically offer a safe window for outreach.

How to ask for reviews via SMS examples

1. Direct request for feedback via SMS

“Hi [Customer Name], thanks for choosing [Your Company]! We hope you’re loving your purchase. Could you spare a moment to share your experience? 🌟 It helps us a lot! Click here [link] – Thanks, [Your Name]”

This approach is direct and personal, it acknowledges the customer’s recent purchase, and shows care for the buyer by mentioning their satisfaction.

2. Inquiry about experience followed by review request

“Hey [Customer Name], it’s [Your Name] from [Your Company]. Did everything with your recent purchase go smoothly? We’d love to hear your feedback. If you have a sec, please leave us a review here: [link]. Thanks a ton!”

Starting with an inquiry about the customer’s experience shows genuine care and makes the request for a review feel more like part of a conversation.

3. Offer to schedule a call for feedback

“Hi [Customer Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. We’re always looking to improve and would love to hear about your experience. Would you be open to a quick call to share your feedback? Reply YES to schedule or click here [link] to leave a review online. Thank you!”

This SMS gives the customer options, making it more likely they’ll choose at least one way to provide feedback. 

How to ask for reviews on a website

By creating a welcoming space for reviews on your website, you’re not only strengthening your reputation but also driving positive word-of-mouth. Here are some notes on how to ask for a review on your website:

  • Strategic use of CTAs: Place prominent CTAs throughout your website, prompting visitors to leave a review after completing a purchase or interacting with your content.
  • Dedicated reviews page: Create a dedicated reviews landing page on your website where customers can easily access and read past reviews. Showcase existing positive reviews examples prominently to build trust and credibility with potential customers.
  • Optimize for mobile: Make sure your website and review request process are mobile-friendly, as many customers may access your site from smartphones or tablets.

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How to ask for reviews on a website examples

1. Dedicated landing page

Asking for reviews on a website - dedicated landing page from Omnisend

A dedicated landing page not only showcases the existing reviews, but also allows visitors to go directly to their preferred reviews platform.

2. Strategically placing a button

Asking for reviews on a website - strategically placing a button from Hawaiian airlines

Placing an always visible button on your website increases the chance that a visitor will go to that section and leave their own feedback.

3. Popup after a purchase

Asking for reviews on a website - popup after a purchase from Usersnsap

After your customer completes a purchase, you can show them a popup that asks for feedback, before they leave your website. 

How to ask for reviews on social media

Social media is an incredibly effective way to reach a wide audience at a relatively low cost. If you leverage it correctly, it can be a goldmine for gathering reviews. Here’s what you need to know about asking for a review on social media:

  • Choose the right platform: Conduct research to figure out where your target audience hangs out online and where they’re likely to search for products or services like yours. Selling apparel? Instagram or Facebook could be your go-to. Offering online courses for IT professionals? LinkedIn might be your best bet.
  • Build a relationship: Social media offers a unique opportunity for two-way communication with your audience. Engage with your followers, reply to comments, and interact with user-generated content to show you’re genuinely interested in their feedback.
  • Be concise: On social media, you have only a few seconds to grab a viewer’s attention before they move on. Craft concise, attention-grabbing content that gets your message across immediately. Incorporating visuals can further strengthen your message and capture interest.
  • Leverage existing reviews: Share the positive feedback from past customers. At a minimum, this strategy boosts brand awareness and reputation, but it can motivate others to share their own experiences too.

How to get reviews on Amazon: 7 easy ways
Facebook custom audiences

How to ask for reviews on social media website examples

1. Showcasing already existing reviews

Asking for reviews on social media - showcasing existing reviews from Juphy

This approach can potentially nudge your audience to leave their own review. 

2Interacting with the audience

Asking for reviews on social media - interacting with the audience from beardbrand via Instagram

Adding a simple story to your instagram with a sticker that prompts your audience to respond is a great low effort way to collect some feedback while interacting with your followers.

3. Using visuals to convey the message

Asking for reviews on social media - using visuals to convey the message from Southern Chiropractic & Acupuncture

It’s harder to catch attention with just the post text, so adding the main message on an aesthetically pleasing visual heightens the chances of your message being seen.

How to ask for reviews from vendors

Positive reviews within business-to-business (B2B) are just as helpful for your business’s success as those from satisfied customers in the B2C space. They affirm your professionalism and reliability, which can help with attracting prospective clients and potential business partners.

When asking for reviews from vendors, consider the following:

  • Acknowledge your collaboration: Begin by expressing genuine gratitude and offering feedback on your collaboration. Highlight specific aspects you appreciated and the value it contributed. Then, politely ask if they would be willing to provide a review.
  • Provide details: We want to make it easy for the vendor to leave us a review. Providing all necessary instructions, such as where and how to leave a review, ensures a smoother experience for them. 

How to ask for reviews from vendors examples

1. In-person request after a project completion

“I’ve really valued our collaboration on [project name], especially [specific aspect]. Your team’s effort was crucial for our success. If it’s not too much trouble, could we ask for a review of our partnership on [platform or business site]? It would greatly assist us in highlighting the quality of our collaborations to potential partners.”

This direct, face-to-face method leverages the immediate positive feelings following a successful project completion.

2. Email request with detailed instructions

Send a personalized email after a service or product delivery thanking the vendor for their exceptional work. Include a section like:

“Dear [Vendor’s Name],

We’re compiling feedback on our collaborations to improve and showcase our business relationships. Could you take a moment to leave us a review on [specific platform]? Here’s a quick guide on how you can do it. Your insights would be incredibly valuable to us.

[Your Company]”

An email allows for detailed instructions and a direct link to where the vendor can leave a review, making the process as straightforward as possible. 

3. Phone call to express gratitude and request a review

“I just wanted to call and personally thank you for the work on [specific project]. Your professionalism and quality of work did not go unnoticed. We’re gathering feedback to better understand how our partners view our collaboration. Would you be comfortable sharing your experience in a review? I can email you the details and instructions on how to proceed.”

A phone call adds a personal touch that can be more compelling than written communication. It allows for an immediate and direct conversation about the collaboration.

How to ask for reviews in person

Asking for a review in person has its pros and cons. On one hand, it’s a unique opportunity to make a direct and personal appeal. On the other hand, it can feel pushy and not all customers appreciate that. Here are some tips on how to ask for a review in person: 

  • Choose the right moment: Select a time when the customer is most likely to be receptive, such as after completing a successful transaction or during an event.
  • Highlight the benefits: Explain how their review can benefit others who are considering your products or services and emphasize the impact their feedback can have on your business.
  • Provide assistance: Offer assistance by directing them to specific platforms, providing them with instructions if needed, or sending a follow up email later.

How to ask for reviews in person examples

1. Direct ask after a positive experience

Immediately after a customer expresses satisfaction with your service or purchase, you can say:

“I’m thrilled to hear you’re happy with [product/service]! If you have a moment, we’d really appreciate it if you could share your experience in a review. It helps others know what to expect and supports our business. I can show you how, if you like!”

This method capitalizes on the customer’s positive emotions, directly linking their satisfaction to the action of leaving a review. 

2. Feedback request as part of the follow up

During a follow-up interaction or call, mention:

“We hope everything has been to your satisfaction. We’re always looking to share our customers’ experiences with others. Would you consider leaving us a review? It would mean a lot to us.”

This approach is less direct and incorporates the request into a broader conversation about customer satisfaction, making it feel more natural.

3. Casual mention during service

While providing service or at the checkout, casually mention:

“By the way, we love hearing from our customers. If you enjoy our [product/service], leaving us a review on [platform] really helps us out. Plus, it’s a great way for us to hear what we’re doing right and how we can improve.”

This method integrates the review request into casual conversation, reducing the pressure on the customer. 

How not to ask for reviews

We’ve discussed in great detail how to ask customers for reviews, but also important is knowing what you shouldn’t do. We suggest to stay away from these tactics: 

  1. Incentivizing reviews: Offering incentives in exchange for reviews can compromise their authenticity and violate platform guidelines. Instead, focus on providing excellent products or services that naturally encourage positive feedback.
  2. Buying reviews: Purchasing reviews is not only unethical but also misleading to potential customers.
  3. Sounding apologetic: If you care about your business and your customers’ experience, there’s no need to sound apologetic. It’s all for a good cause, so stay positive and confident.
  4. Overwhelming customers: While there’s nothing wrong with asking for a review, you should never bombard customers. Make sure that the timing of your requests is appropriate and limit the follow ups. 

Remember, the goal isn’t just to accumulate reviews but to cultivate trust and loyalty that lasts.

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Knowing how to ask for a review is a nuanced skill that involves choosing the right moment, personalizing your request, and being clear and concise. Whether you’re reaching out via email, SMS, or in person, the key is to communicate the value of feedback both for your business and for potential customers.

Remember to make the process as easy as possible for your reviewers and always express your gratitude. 

As every business and its audience are unique, we encourage you to adapt these strategies to fit your specific needs. Implementing these practices thoughtfully can significantly enhance your credibility, trustworthiness, and customer engagement.

Source from Omnisend

Disclaimer: The information set forth above is provided by omnisend.com independently of Alibaba.com. Alibaba.com makes no representation and warranties as to the quality and reliability of the seller and products.

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