The Galaxy S24, launched in January, came with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage in its base model. While these specs are decent, they fall behind many flagship devices. After all, most of the brands now offer 12GB of RAM and 256GB of storage, or even more, as standard. This disappointed some fans, especially considering the increasing demand for higher performance and more storage in premium smartphones. Samsung has been keeping a conservative approach with specs similar to Apple and Google. However, this will change with the Galaxy S25 series.
Samsung Will Finally Raise the Bar for RAM and Storage in its Galaxy S25 flagships
If you’re looking forward to Samsung’s next big release, there’s exciting news about the Galaxy S25. According to a recent rumor from a well-known tipster on X, the Galaxy S25 is set to receive a significant upgrade. The base model will reportedly include 12GB of RAM and 256GB of storage, putting it on par with or ahead of most competitors in the flagship segment. This improvement could address one of the main criticisms of the Galaxy S24 and make the S25 a more appealing option for power users and tech enthusiasts.
This potential upgrade highlights Samsung’s effort to stay competitive in the flagship market and ensures better performance and storage capacity for users. More RAM means smoother multitasking, while increased storage provides ample room for apps, photos, videos, and other files without worrying about running out of space. If these rumors are accurate, the Galaxy S25 could be a game-changer for those who demand top-tier specs in their smartphones.
Last month, a benchmark run confirmed the increased RAM for the Galaxy S25, adding credibility to the earlier rumors. Additionally, another rumor suggests that the S25 Ultra will come equipped with 16GB of RAM across all its variants, which is a substantial boost. With the base Galaxy S25 model already rumored to feature 12GB of RAM, Samsung seems to be making a clear effort to meet the expectations of power users and stay competitive in the flagship market. For the Galaxy S25 Ultra, the 16GB of RAM in every version could further solidify its position as a premium choice for those who want the best of the best.
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