1. The overall import and export situation
The harvester was invented by xx. It is an integrated device for harvesting crops, completing the process in one go, and gathering the grains into a storage bin. The grains can then be transported to a vehicle for further transport. Alternatively, crops such as rice and wheat can be manually harvested, with the stalks left in the field to be collected by a grain harvester, and then the harvester is used to pick up and thresh the grain. The harvester is primarily used for harvesting the kernels and straws of cereal crops such as rice and wheat.
China is a major manufacturing country. In recent years, the export quantity of Chinese harvesters has continued to increase, from 16,000 units in 2018 to 33,000 units in 2021. However, the export value decreased from 95.75 million USD in 2018 to 31.019 million USD in 2021. The import quantity and value have shown an upward trend. From January to October 2022, the export quantity of Chinese harvesters was 28,000 units, with an export value of 43.436 million USD, while the import quantity was 900 units, with an import value of 278.915 million USD.

2. Breakdown of import and export
In terms of export quantity, Chinese harvesters are mainly dominated by cotton-picking machines. From January to October 2022, the export quantity of sugarcane harvesters was 40 units, with an export value of 4.147 million USD. The export quantity of cotton-picking machines was 1,293 units, with an export value of 29.914 million USD. Both figures are much higher than those of sugarcane harvesters.
From January to October 2022, China did not import sugarcane harvesters but imported 366 units of cotton-picking machines with an import value of 205.045 million USD.
From the perspective of import and export unit prices, the average import unit price of Chinese harvesters is much higher than the export unit price. From January to October 2022, the average export unit price of Chinese harvesters was 1551.3 USD per unit, while the average import unit price was 309905.6 USD per unit.

3. Analysis of import and export patterns
From January to October 2022, the top 5 regions by the export value of Chinese harvesters were Turkey, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Thailand, and India, with export values of 13.024 million USD, 12.642 million USD, 3.932 million USD, 2.416 million USD, and 1.991 million USD, respectively.
Heilongjiang, Xinjiang, and Shanghai provinces are the major provinces and cities for the export of Chinese harvesters. From January to October 2022, Heilongjiang Province ranked first in the country in terms of export quantity and value, with an export value of 21.9 million USD; Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region ranked second with an export value of 6.135 million USD. These two provinces are the leading exporters of Chinese harvesters.
In terms of import value, the United States is the largest importer of harvesters to China. From January to October 2022, China imported harvesters worth 206.289 million US dollars from the United States, accounting for 74% of the total import value. Harvesters imported from Germany were worth 63.508 million US dollars, accounting for 23% of the total import value. These two countries are the most important import sources for harvesters in China.
Source from Intelligence Research Group (chyxx.com)