Digital cameras wowed the world when they were first introduced. And they still have that power.
Documenting memories and making art will never go out of style. Although everyone technically has a digital camera in their pocket with their smartphone, there are a few circumstances where photography lovers want the real thing.
It’s worth nothing digital camera sales are expected to rise 13% in the next three years.
Table of Contents
Why digital cameras are an excellent item to sell in 2022
Types of digital cameras
Key aspects when searching for digital cameras
Tips for selecting digital cameras to sell
Why digital cameras are an excellent item to sell in 2022
With the popularity of video content platforms like TikTok and YouTube, content creators are popping up everywhere.
And for good reason!
People watch more than a billion hours of video on YouTube every day.
Vlogging, or video blogging, makes up a huge share of creator content on video-sharing social networks. And those vloggers need a reliable and good-quality digital camera.
Digital cameras are also popular with travelers and with increased traveling expected in 2022, you can expect that they will be looking for great cameras to capture their travel memories
Digital cameras are also heating up in home security with smart home cameras.
Smart home cameras benefit people with pets and children, or people who spend long periods away from their homes.
And of course, everyone loves to document important moments, life events, and memories. Some customers just prefer a digital camera over their smartphone, so it’s a good idea to stock some quality cameras on your e-commerce store.
Finally, digital cameras can be more functional and take better quality photos and videos than smartphones. For customers who are serious about their photography, digital cameras still reign supreme.
Types of digital cameras
There are 4 main categories for digital cameras, let’s explore them and find the right fit for your online business.

Point and shoot cameras
Point and shoot cameras are known for being easily portable, and easy to use. It’s in the name, just point and shoot!

Point and shoot cameras are great for people of all skill levels, and the best digital camera for beginners. They also offer various price points. They’re especially great for vloggers or people who are on the go. Most offer photo and video options, so they’re great for everyday use.
Notable features with point and shoot cameras are autofocus, video stabilization, and more zoom power.
DSLR cameras
Digital Single Lens Reflex cameras are the next-level camera option for professionals or photography lovers. They take better quality photos. They have options like lens kits that can elevate photos even further.
A DSLR camera itself allows the shooter to adjust for ISO, shutter, white balance, and more to get the most out of your photos.
DSLRs are heavier and their accessories are too which makes them less portable. They’re also more delicate, so taking good care of them is essential. This means extra accessories like camera bags, lens covers, straps and more are beneficial when considering a DSLR camera.
Action cameras
Action cameras, like GoPros, are the perfect camera for the adventurer.

Designed to be small, compact, and light, they are extremely easy to travel with. They’re also marked by their durability. They’re waterproof digital cameras and built with a solid exterior to protect the interior hardware.
Action cameras are available at all price points and don’t require any previous photography knowledge to operate. They’re especially great for recording videos.
Smart home cameras
Smart home cameras are cameras designed for safety and security around the home.
They can be used as security cameras both inside and out of your house. Which is useful for watching kids, pets, or visitors.
And if you’re wondering where the word ‘smart’ comes in, they’re technologically advanced. You can use them to answer the door when you’re not even home. Through a Bluetooth or internet connection, smart cameras can connect to an app on your smartphone and you can view your feeds at any time.
Key aspects when searching for digital cameras
It’s important to know your customer base and their preferences to make the best decisions possible when sourcing products.
Who do you cater to? Adventurers? Professional photographers? Keep this in mind as we examine the following features.
Different brands excel in different camera functions. There’s isn’t a one size fits all approach to choosing the best digital camera.

For DSLR or point-and-shoot cameras, there are a few brands that lead the market. Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fujifilm, Panasonic, and Olympus are all well known. These household brands can be trusted to make a great camera.
GoPro is the most well-known for action cameras. The runner-ups are DJI and Insta360. All are well known for making durable, compact cameras that can document your coolest adventures.
As for smart home digital cameras, it’s a much more vast market. Some well-known brands include Arlo, Ring, and Wyze, but there’re are a lot more options to explore out there.
Photo versus video
This seems obvious, but clarifying whether a camera shoots video, photos or both is very important. Not all cameras are built to shoot both. And some shoot both but heavily favor one medium.
Make sure you do your research to know which type of photography each camera will provide.
A megapixel, or an MP, refers to one million pixels, which are tiny squares that join to make an image. Megapixels are used to describe the quality of a camera’s image.
The higher the number of megapixels a camera showcases, the higher quality of an image. As it’s holding more pixels or information.
Megapixels a camera can offer range from 1 MP up to 100 MP. A good amount of MPs is anywhere between 10-20. Again, this will depend on preference and use. If you’re looking to take more professional photos, a higher MP camera will serve you well.
Size and weight
Size and weight are extremely important when it comes to digital cameras. You’ll want to make sure a camera fits comfortably in the photographer’s hand.
This is where ergonomics comes in.
A great size camera that doesn’t weigh a lot is great for travelers, adventurers, and day-to-day use. Something larger and heavier is better to sit upon a tripod or a stand and shoot within a studio.
Many people are willing to deal with a heavier or larger camera for the sake of quality. So again, it comes down to preference. However, it is worth noting that there is such a thing as too large, too heavy, or too uncomfortable.
Once you decide which type of camera you’re after, you can start dreaming up which accessories you’ll offer your customers.

Cases, lens kits, tripods, straps, lens covers, and attachments are all popular accessories. Remotes, lighting kits, batteries, memory cards, and chargers are also popular.
Tips for selecting digital cameras to sell
So maybe you’ve decided which type of cameras you want to sell based on the types and aspects covered in this article. But there are still more tips.
When sourcing products on, you’ll want to consider costs and resale value to ensure your profit margins will be successful.
Availability is also important, as you’ll want to be a reliable source and work with a manufacturer that can meet your needs. gives suppliers the option to detail their output volume on product pages.
You’ll also want to consider how to manage international shipping times and costs. Make sure you can have the products you desire with a good turnaround. You also want to make sure shipping is affordable and doesn’t lower your profit margins too much.
Finally, you want to be able to find a trusted supplier that you can create a professional relationship with. Look for customer reviews and communicate with your supplier to ensure you’re on the same page.
Ready, set, shoot!
Digital cameras are looking to be a great item to sell in 2022. When it comes to cameras, there is a lot to know about the different types and their key features.
Now you have all the tips for choosing which digital cameras to sell and how to source them.
Once your source your great products, it’s time to market them and make some sales!
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